Sunday, November 26, 2017

Trump Appoints Federal Judge Alabama lot of mess here Source  Maybe there's a better way to appoint judges in the Trump Era. If Talley is terrible he will still be better than Judge Grace Knie in Spartanburg, South Carolina. She is an angry abused in every way little girl that bought her position from Democrats. Harvard is a better law school than Knie attended and Talley clerked for Federal Judges, not State. The Clerks decide the cases and the judge checks their work. If anything, Talley will balance against Obama's appointments. Although Obama may hold a law license he is a mentally ill, raging, emotionally unmedicated racist like his wife, Michelle Obama. As my law instructor brother, Derrick Bulsa, told me, when I had all my law enforcement accusers terminated and the 6 laws changed, "If you don't like the system and laws we have; come up with something better and change them. This is the best system we have and what we have to work under. File formal and ethics complaints. Monitor law enforcement, change what needs to be changed. DO WHAT YOU have to do. Until then, the wheels and justice turn slowly." Retired Prosecutor Derrick B Bulsa. 20+ years experience.  Obama's circle, unanimously rated “not qualified” by the American Bar Association’s judicial rating committee is 100% Democrats. When has a Democrat agreed with Trump on anything? This is going to be the first?  What does being a blogger or calling, a Clinton, "rotten" have to do with any "qualification"? A excellent judge only needs an amazing clerk.  Federal judges should not be appointed for life but, that is a different discussion.  Temperament and ability to approach cases with the fairness and open-mindedness necessary to serve as a federal judge.” How is this tested? What' an example? Liberal nominees have been rated as qualified even if they had little or no courtroom experience.  Maybe Ted Cruz or Rand Paul has a radical change for this system.  Democrats turn inward to the Shame, Guilt, and fake fears and open themselves to loathsome programming. You can program a Liberal with anything because they empty of everything. They are only kind till admired. Maybe they all have different degrees of PTSD.  Until Federal judges aren't appointed for life [courts are packed, and engineered society will suffer.] Democrats had no problems with the system of appointing judges while Obama was making the choices. Now, they cry and cry foul at every decision.  * nothing helpful or interesting in comments/ only name calling and whining like on, and other Liberal "media" news sources. ** upping the requirements to be a judge would only decrease the quality of applicants. Good judges are called lawyers. Maybe have the same number of Dems and reps decide on the writing on candidates through a random sample, with a time limit with the potential candidates' names removed.  Why and how was the current system of choosing judges established? city attorney/ city prosecutor part time for 15 years. the process to become a judge/ Husband Patrick Knie gave $8K donations to Democrats $350 each for years. FBI reports. case records. how to prove. State Representative links. 

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