Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Dr. Burry and Peter Theil Shorting ARKK and TSLA get out now!

 Get Out now.  Catherine doesn’t understand mass panic. delta will overwhelm hospitals 🏥 n all 50 states by the end of October. High growth companies w/ debt wont be-able to raise capital. chaos from record shootings from inflation and no where to transport victims.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

China Harvesting Fertile women globally

 China 🇨🇳 is factoring in Global markets. Smart. Socialist EVOLs are successfully conducting Goebbels Nazi psychological abuses warfare to reduce the global population. Cashing in on “soft rapes” baby part harvesting, prison plantations since 1865/ 15th amendment; corporate plunger, rape, pillaging. Now; the divorce industries, porn, and other “soft addiction” explorations of the mentally vulnerable in the West. Efficient Socialist EVOLs.  China 🇨🇳 is playing the longer game. Harvesting fertile women On a global scale.