Thursday, February 16, 2017 Compliant Theft to invest in Tesla Fund Stock and Stole

Illegally invested in Tesla and bond funds. This investments were NEVER authorized. Bonds fund I don't know how that might have been authorized. The Telsa Elon Musk "yep" was not a YES. I would not invest with a Obama lying money laundering co-conspirator like Musk. Funneling cash to Obama through government funds through the "Global Warming" ""'Greenhouse Gas" "Climate Change Lies". Musk has gone bankrupt 5 times and has always been morally. Class Action Suit is the next steps.  Reimburse funds lost with interest. I sold these investments as soon as I was informed They were made w/o my authorization.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 lawsuit Biased Conservative Political and Scientific Views Not "Evolution Religion"

Reviews on "same products" on multiple accounts. Products and perceptions change over time and block customers from the ability to review products thy purchase that aren't discounted or free from Any account after the one descending review of addictive products like Coke products and Oreo's  months later blocking the customer. Discrimination biased against Conservative users

 "Sock puppeting" excuse.

What Radicals are getting wrong in both parties

Republicans "Do something greedy" by deregulating Wall Street under Bill Clinton and stupidly thinking they have to compromise to be "inclusive" with Democrats that operate and are only lead by their emotions. Democrats do something stupid like something like "pass a bathroom bill" allowing men to pee in front of little girls.  Democrats = illegal votes Republicans = under paid undocumented labor